Directed by Geena Santiago | Dear Me is a dark dramedy about Ana, a woman who wakes up in an alternate version of her life where she's living her dream as a successful fashion designer. However, she's confronted by her "other self," the version of Ana who earned this success, leading to a supernatural clash over who deserves that life.
DEAR ME (2025)
A film by Steven Gatti & Mel Pellicano | Director of Photography Steven Gatti | Directed by Mel Pellicano | When a fear of the dark plays on his imagination, Arthur is forced to face his inner demons in what he thought was the safest of places...the house he grew up in.
The Letter J, follows Scarlett, a 20-something struggling to find love. Always the hopeless romantic, she wrote a poem for her first crush and since being bullied in front of the whole class for it, she’s still feeling humiliated every time she wants to get close to someone new.
The Letter J, follows Scarlett, a 20-something struggling to find love. Always the hopeless romantic, she wrote a poem for her first crush and since being bullied in front of the whole class for it, she’s still feeling humiliated every time she wants to get close to someone new.